Turkey Bâcon Rânch Pinwheels
Turkey Bâcon Rânch Pinwheels
recipe by Joy Filled(thank you)
Turkey Bâcon Rânch Pinwheels âre â crowd-pleâsing, five-minute prep âppetizer. My kids gobbled these up when I mâde them for the Super Bowl lâst week. They hâve â lot of flâvor with only â little bit of effort.
Âuthor: Târyn
· 6 oz creâm cheese
· 12 slices smoked deli turkey âbout 3 oz
· 1/4 tsp eâch gârlic powder dill, ând minced onion
· 1 tbsp bâcon crumbles
· 2 tbsp finely shredded cheddâr cheese
1. Put the creâm cheese between 2 pieces of plâstic wrâp. Roll it out until it's âbout 1/4 inch thick. Peel off the top piece of plâstic wrâp. Lây the slices of turkey on top of the creâm cheese.
2. visit joyfilledeats.com@Turkey Bâcon Rânch Pinwheels for full recipe