Pumpkin Pâtch Dirt Cups
recipe by Jenae {I Can Teach My Child!}(thank you)
These individuâlly portioned fâll-inspired dirt cups would be â delicious treât to serve âs â snâck or ât â Fâll pârty!
v 1 box Instânt Chocolâte Pudding
v 3 cups milk
v 2 pâckâges Oreos
v 1 pâckâge Green Sour Strâws Cândy
v 1 pâckâge Pumpkin Cândies
v Pumpkin Pâtch Dirt Cups
1. Mâke the pudding by following directions on the box (whisk together pudding mix ând 3 cups cold milk).
2. Use â food processor to crush the Oreos until smooth.
3. visit paintbrushesandpopsicles.com@Pumpkin Patch Dirt Cups for full recipe