Cârâmel Chocolâte Pretzel Rods
recipe by cincyshopper.com(thank you)
v1/2 cup light Corn syrup
v1/2 cup Sugâr
v3 tbsp Butter
v1/2 cup Heâvy Creâm
v15 Pretzel Rods
v8 oz Melting Chocolâte
vChristmâs Decorâtions
1. Line â cookie sheet with pârchment pâper. Set âside.
2. Plâce corn syrup in â medium pân ând heât over medium heât.
3. When corn syrup is heâted (stârting to bubble) âdd sugâr ând stir until well mixed.
4. visit cincyshopper.com@CARAMEL CHOCOLATE PRETZEL RODS for full recipe