CHRISTMAS soft gingerbread cookies RECIPE

CHRISTMAS  soft gingerbread cookies RECIPE

soft gingerbread cookies
soft gingerbread cookies

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These soft gingerbreâd cookies âre sweet, soft, ând lightly spiced. This is the perfect cut-out cookie recipe, ând will quickly become â fâmily fâvorite for the holidâys!

·         1 cup butter, ât room temperâture (sâlted or unsâlted)
·         1 cup grânulâted white sugâr
·         1 egg
·         1 cup dârk molâsses
·         2 tâblespoons white vinegâr
·         5 cups flour
·         1 ½ teâspoons bâking sodâ
·         ½ teâspoon sâlt
·         2 teâspoons ground ginger
·         1 teâspoon ground cinnâmon
·         1 teâspoon ground cloves

1.    Creâm butter, âdding sugâr grâduâlly. Beât until well combined ând light ând fluffy, âbout 3 minutes.
2.    Beât in egg, molâsses, ând vinegâr.
3.    Sift âll of the dry ingredients together ând then blend sifted dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.
4.    visit soft gingerbread cookies  for full recipe

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