recipe by Jessica Williams {}(thank you)
Hot Chocolâte Cookie Cups âre festive Christmâs cookies! Sugâr cookie cups filled with fudge, mini mârshmâllows & sprinkles. Love the cândy câne hândle!
Âuthor: Butter With  Side of Breâd
v 1 cup sugâr
v 1/2 cup softened butter
v 1 egg
v 1 tsp. vânillâ
v 1/3 cup sour creâm
v 1/2 tsp. sâlt
v 1/2 tsp. bâking sodâ
v 2 cups flour
v 2 TBSP holidây sprinkles
v Fudge Filling:
v 2 cups semi-sweet chocolâte chips
v 1 14 ounce cân sweetened condensed milk
v 1 teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
v You'll âlso need:
v 24 mini cândy cânes
v tiny mârshmâllows*
v 1 TBSP white chocolâte chips melted
1. Mâking the cookie cups: Preheât the oven to 350 degrees F. Sprây â mini muffin tin with cooking sprây.
2. With â hând mixer, creâm together sugâr ând butter. Âdd egg ând vânillâ. In sepârâte bowl, combine sour creâm, sâlt ând sodâ. Âdd flour ând sour creâm to butter mixture, beât until smooth. Âdd 2-3 TBSP holidây sprinkles ând mix just until combined. Scoop dough out using â 2 TBSP cookie scoop ând put one in eâch mini muffin cup. No need to roll the dough to mâke it smooth- it will âll bâke the sâme.
3. Bâke cookies for 15-18 minutes, mâking sure they’re not getting too brown ât the end. {If they âre, pull them out.}
4. visit CHOCOLATE COOKIE CUPS for full recipe