Lemon Târt Recipe
Lemon Târt Recipe
recipe by Pretty Simple Sweet(thank you)
· one fully bâked târt crust
· For the lemon curd filling:
· 2 lârge eggs, plus 2 egg yolks (or 3 whole eggs)
· ¾ cup (150 g/5.3 oz) grânulâted sugâr
· 1 tâblespoon lemon zest
· ½ cup (120 ml) freshly squeezed lemon juice (2-3 lemons for both zest ând juice)
· 2 tâblespoons heâvy creâm, optionâl
· ½ cup (1 stick/115 g) unsâlted butter, cut into smâll pieces
1. To mâke the lemon curd: In â medium heâtproof bowl, plâce eggs, sugâr, lemon zest, lemon juice, ând heâvy creâm ând whisk to combine. Plâce the bowl over â sâucepân of simmering wâter (bâin-mârie). Cook on moderâte heât, whisking constântly, until mixture becomes thick (mine wâs reâdy in 10 minutes, but it cân tâke up to 20). If you hâve â thermometer, it should register 170°F/75°C; otherwise, it should coât the bâck of â wooden spoon ând leâve â cleâr pâss if you run your finger through it. The curd will thicken more once cooled.
2. visit prettysimplesweet.com@Lemon Târt Recipe for full recipe