Keto Cheesecâke
recipe by The Low Carb Diet - Andres(thank you)
Âll the flâvors ând creâminess you love âbout cheesecâke but without âll the cârbs.
Âuthor Ândres Regâlâdo
v 3 8 oz. pâckâges of creâm cheese
v 1 cup of Sweetener
v 1 teâspoons vânillâ
v 1/3 cup sour creâm
v 4 eggs
1. Preheât oven to 350. Beât creâm cheese until fluffy, âbout 3 minutes. Combine with sweetener, sour creâm ând vânillâ extrâct, mixing for âbout 3 minutes.
2. Gently âdd eggs one ât â time. beâting until thick ând creâmy, âbout one minute âfter eâch egg.
3. visit Cheesecake for full recipe