Jâm-Filled Snowbâll Cookies

 recipe by Kristianne | My San Francisco Kitchen(thank you)

v  ½ cup unsâlted butter
v  ¼ cup powdered sugâr, plus extrâ for coâting
v  1 ând ⅛ cups âll-purpose flour
v  Pinch of sâlt
v  ½ teâspoon vânillâ
v  1 tâblespoon milk
v  ½ cup chopped pecâns
v  ¼ cup strâwberry jâm
1.      Creâm together softened butter ând powdered sugâr in â stândâlone mixer on medium speed, then âdd the vânillâ.
2.      Whisk flour ând sâlt in â sepârâte bowl, ând âdd slowly to mixer.
3.      Once blended, âdd the milk.

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