Double Chocolâte Peppermint Fudge

recipe by Sweet & Savory by Shinee(thank you)

This double chocolâte peppermint fudge is loâded with âll things sweet. Super rich ând decâdent, the festive fudge bites âre meânt for shâring.

v  1 tâblespoon unsâlted butter, for pân
v  1-2 peppermint cândy cânes
v  2 cups (120gr) mini mârshmâllows
v  1 cân (14oz/400gr) sweetened condensed milk
v  1 teâspoon pure vânillâ extrâct
v  6oz (170gr) bittersweet chocolâte, chopped
v  6oz (170gr) white chocolâte, chopped
v  ½ teâspoon peppermint extrâct
1.      Line 8x8in (20x20cm) bâking pân with foil ând butter the bottom ând sides of the pân.
2.      Plâce the peppermint cândy cânes in â ziplock bâg ând crush the cândies with â rolling pin.
3.      In â double boiler, combine mârshmâllows, condensed milk ând vânillâ extrâct.
4.      Melt everything over simmering wâter, stirring frequently, until smooth, âbout 10 minutes.

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