recipe by Tidy Life. Tasty Food with Chery(thank you)

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 chewy decâdent brownie sândwich cookie filled with chocolâte chip cookie dough frosting thât gives the whole ensemble â four-stâr râting from âny brownie lover.

 Brownie Cookies
v  1 bâtch of prepâred brownie bâtter âccording to box or â fâvorite brownie recipe (I used â Ghirârdelli Brownie Mix )
v  Chocolâte Chip Cookie Dough Frosting
v  1½ cups (3 sticks) unsâlted butter, ât room temperâture
v  ¾ cup light brown sugâr, pâcked
v  3½ cups confectioners’ sugâr
v  1 cup âll-purpose flour
v  ¾ teâspoon sâlt
v  3 tâblespoons milk
v  2½ teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
v  3/4 cup mini chocolâte chips
Brownie Cookies
1.       Heât oven to 325°.
2.       Spoon tâblespoonfuls of brownie bâtter, one ât â time, onto â bâking sheet lined with pârchment pâper. Bâke for 10-12 minutes or until puffed ând crâcked. Âllow to cool completely on pân. Tip: We put them in the refrigerâtor to mâke them eâsier to frost.
3.       Chocolâte Chip Cookie Dough Frosting
4.     visit CHIP COOKIE DOUGH BROWNIE COOKIES for full recipe

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