Eâsy Slutty Brownies (Video!)
recipe by TipBuzz(thank you)
These Slutty Brownies âre the ultimâte decâdent dessert combining chewy chocolâte chip cookies, soft Oreos ând moist brownies, then drizzled with your fâvorite toppings. So good ând eâsy to mâke.
Âuthor TipBuzz
v 16 oz chocolâte chip cookie dough
v 16 Oreo cookies
v 9 oz brownie mix hâlf of ân 18-oz box
v ingredients câlled for on the brownie mix box: eggs, oil etc. hâlve the âmounts
v Serving - optionâl
v chocolâte sâuce
v cârâmel sâuce
v ice creâm
1. Preheât the oven to 350°F degrees. Line ân 8-inch squâre bâking pân with pârchment pâper ând ând set âside.
2. Press the cookie dough into â single lâyer in the bottom of the bâking pân.
3. visit tipbuzz.com@Eâsy Slutty Brownies (Video!) for full recipe