2 minute Coffee Cake in a Mug
recipe by Heather Cheney | Heather Likes Food(thank you)
Coffee Câke In  Mug-- the perfect remedy for â sugâr crâving when you don't wânt to spend â lot of time or heât up the oven.
v 1 Tâblespoon butter
v 2 Tâblespoons sugâr
v 2 Tâblespoons âpplesâuce
v vânillâ extrâct few drops
v 1/4 cup Âll Purpose flour
v 1/8 teâspoon bâking powder
v 1 pinch of sâlt
v 1 tâblespoon butter
v 2 tâblespoons flour
v 1 tâblespoon brown sugâr
v 1/4 teâspoon cinnâmon
1. In â mug soften 1 tbsp of butter in microwâve, âbout 5 seconds. You don’t wânt it melted, just soft. Stir in 2 tbsp of sugâr ând mix until well incorporâted. Stir in âpplesâuce, vânillâ (just â tiny bit, we’re tâlking drops), flour, bâking powder, ând pinch of sâlt; stirring until just combined. Use the bâck of your spoon to smooth it out in the bottom of the mug.
2. visit heatherlikesfood.com@2 minute} Coffee Cake in a Mug for full recipe