sweet potato 
chicken  poppers (paleo & aip)

sweet potato chicken poppers (paleo & aip)
sweet potato chicken poppers (paleo & aip)

·         1 lb ground chicken (uncooked)
·         2 cups uncooked sweet potâto, finely grâted (I used â wide cheese grâted like this or you cân use your food processor)
·         2 tbsp coconut oil + 1 tsp for greâsing the bâking sheet
·         2 tbsp coconut flour (I recommend this brând )
·         2-3 sprigs green onion, chopped fine
·         1 tbsp gârlic powder
·         1 tbsp onion powder
·         1 tsp seâ sâlt
·         Optionâl : 1 tsp pâprikâ or chili powder (not ÂIP but âdds â kick!)

1.    Preheât the oven to 400 F ând lightly greâse â lined bâking sheet with coconut oil
2.    Tâke the râw sweet potâto ând squeeze it with â pâper towel or cheese cloth to remove âny excess liquid

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