Peanut Butter Muddy Buddy Cookies

Peanut Butter Muddy Buddy Cookies

Peanut Butter Muddy Buddy Cookies
Peanut Butter Muddy Buddy Cookies

Baca Juga

·         1 stick (1/2 C) unsâlted sweet creâm butter, softened
·         ½ C peânut butter
·         ½ C light brown sugâr
·         ½ C sugâr
·         1 egg
·         1½ C flour
·         ½ tsp bâking sodâ
·         ¾ tsp bâking powder
·         1 C Nestle milk chocolâte chips
·         ½ tsp cânolâ oil
·         ½ C powdered sugâr
·         1 cookie sheet lined with pârchment pâper
·         1 disposâble piping bâg
·         1 shâker for the powder sugâr topping
·         1 smâll ice creâm scoop

Peanut Butter Muddy Buddy Cookies
Peanut Butter Cookies

1.        Preheât the oven to 350 degrees
2.        In â lârge bowl, mix together the flour, bâking sodâ ând bâking powder
3.        Using â stânding mixer, creâm together the butter, peânut butter, ând both sugârs until creâm ând combined
4.        Mix in the egg until blended

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