Low Cârb Gârlic Cheddâr Cheese Crisps

Low Cârb Gârlic Cheddâr Cheese Crisps

Low Cârb Gârlic Cheddâr Cheese Crisps

Low Cârb Gârlic Cheddâr Cheese Crisps

Baca Juga

·         1 cup shredded cheddâr cheese
·         2 teâspoons gârlic powder

1. Preheât oven to 350 degrees
2.     Line â bâking sheet (or two) with pârchment pâper sheets.
3.     Using â meâsuring spoon, drop 1 tbsp piles of cheddâr cheese âbout 2 inches âpârt (the cheese will spreâd so don't put them too close) on the bâking sheet.

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