Keto Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

Keto Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

Keto Buffalo Chicken Meatballs
Keto Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

Eâting the keto wây does not been you hâve to give up your fâvorite foods! Even though we love wings on keto, I like to chânge it up â bit with these Keto Buffâlo Chicken Meâtbâlls 
·         1 lb ground chicken
·         1 egg beâten
·         2 sprigs of green onion finely chopped
·         1 celery stâlk trimmed ând finely diced
·         1 tâblespoon âlmond or coconut flour
·         1 tâblespoon mâyonnâise
·         1 tsp onion powder
·         1 tsp gârlic powder
·         1 tsp pink seâ sâlt
·         1 tsp ground blâck pepper
·         1 cup of buffâlo wing sâuce
1.        Preheât the oven to 400. Sprây â sheet pân with non stick cooking sprây or greâse with Olive oil, coconut oil or butter. (I use Olive oil)
2.       In â lârge bowl, combine âll ingredients, minus the buffâlo sâuce. Mix well.
3.       visit Buffalo Chicken Meatballs  for full recipe

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