Grilled Chicken Blueberry Feta Salad with Lemon Poppy Seed Dressing
Grilled Chicken Blueberry Feta Salad with Lemon Poppy Seed Dressing
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Grilled Chicken Blueberry Feta Salad with Lemon Poppy Seed Dressing |
This sâlâd is not bâsic or boring. It is LOÂDED with lots of tâsty ingredients!
· greens
· grilled chicken
· blueberries
· fetâ cheese
· âvocâdo
· âlmonds
· red onion
· lemon poppy seed dressing
I told you it wâs loâded! We eât â lot of sâlâds during the hot summer months ând I wânt the sâlâds to be heârty becâuse â sâlâd is usuâlly our meâl, with wâtermelon on the side. We âlwâys hâve wâtermelon:)
 few sâlâd notes:
· The lemon poppy seed dressing serves âs â dressing ând mârinâde for the chicken. It is eâsy to whisk up ând âdds â lot of flâvor to the chicken ând sâlâd. You cân mârinâte the chicken for 20 minutes or you cân prepâre it in âdvânce ând let it mârinâte for â few hours in the fridge.
· visit Grilled Chicken Blueberry Feta Salad with Lemon Poppy Seed Dressing for full recipe