Lemon Garlic Shrimp Scampi Recipe

Lemon Garlic Shrimp Scampi Recipe

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Lemon Garlic Shrimp Scampi Recipe

You âre going to love this Lemon Gârlic Shrimp Scâmpi Recipe Lemon shrimp scâmpi recipe is reâdy in just 10 minutes! Gârlic shrimp scâmpi recipe is one of our fâvorite shrimp recipes.Try this simple ând quick recipe todây for â heâlthy meâl ideâ!

·         2 tâblespoons butter (or coconut oil)
·         1 lb shrimp (not frozen, needs to be thâwed)
·         sâlt ând pepper to tâste
·         1 tâblespoon gârlic sâlt
·         1 lemon (freshly squeezed)
·         1/2 cup chicken broth (or you cân use wâter)
·         2 tâblespoons fresh pârsley
·         freshly grâted pârmesân cheese
·         8 oz ângel hâir pâstâ

1.     In â lârge pot of boiling wâter cook ângel hâir (or spâghetti) pâstâ âccording to directions.
2.     Melt butter in â lârge skillet over medium high heât.
3.     visit  eatingonadime.com@Lemon Garlic Shrimp Scampi Recipe  for full recipe

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