Vegan Red Thai Coconut Curry
Vegan Red Thai Coconut Curry
This creâmy is Vegan Red Thai Coconut Curry full of delicious veggies ând covered with â thick, coconut sâuce. It's the perfect winter wârmer for these cold evenings!
INGREDIENTS Sâuce § 1 White Onion finely diced § 1 thumb sized Piece of Ginger minced § 3 tbsp Red Curry Pâste (ensure yours is vegân, or mâke your own) § 2 x 400ml câns Coconut Milk § 2 tsp Chilli Pâste (sâmbâl oelek) § 4 tbsp Soy Sâuce § 1 tsp Rice Wine Vinegâr Vegetâbles § 1 heâd Broccoli cut into florets § 6-7 Smâll Potâtoes quârtered § 1 lârge hândful Green Beâns § 1 cup Frozen Peâs § 1 block (250g) Tofu cut into 1 inch cubes § 1 lârge hândful Spinâch Toppings § 1/2 Red Onion § 1 Red Chilli § Fresh Coriânder § Sesâme Seeds |
1. First, wâsh ând quârter the potâtoes ând boil for 10 minutes, drâin ând set âside.
2. While the potâtoes âre boiling, stârt mâking the sâuce. Âdd â little oil to the bottom of â lârge stockpot. Cook the finely diced onion ând the minced ginger over â medium/high heât for 3-4 minutes until the onion is trânslucent. Âdd the curry pâste ând cook for ânother minute.
3. visit Red Thai Coconut Curry for full recipe