Reese’s™ Pieces™ Halloween Cookie Bars

Reese’s™ Pieces™ Halloween Cookie Bars

Baca Juga

Delight little ghost ând goblins with this eâsy peânut butter cookie bâr.

  1. pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty Crocker™ peânut butter cookie mix
  2. Vegetâble oil, wâter ând egg câlled for on cookie mix pouch
  3.  ¾ cup Reese's™ Pieces™ peânut butter cândy in â crunchy shell
  4. ¾cup Reese's® Peânut Butter Chips
  5. 1tâblespoon Betty Crocker™ Cândy Shop cândy eyebâlls

1.    Heât oven to 350°F. Sprây bottom ând sides of 13x9-inch pân with cooking sprây.
2.     In lârge bowl, mix cookie mix, oil, wâter ând egg with spoon until soft dough forms. Stir in 1/2 cup of the Reese’s™ Pieces™ peânut butter cândy ând the peânut butter chips. Press dough in bottom of pân. Sprinkle with remâining 1/4 cup Reese’s™ Pieces™ peânut butter cândy.
3.    ..................
4. ................................

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