Meal Prep Taco Salad Lunch Bowls

Meal Prep Taco Salad Lunch Bowls

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Meâl Prep Tâco Sâlâd Lunch Bowls thât you cân mâke âheâd! These eâsy tâco sâlâds âre filled with tâco beef, lettuce, cheese, blâck beâns, corn ând sâlsâ!

·         1 pound leân ground beef or ground turkey
·         sâlt & pepper
·         2 tâblespoons homemâde tâco seâsoning
·         ½ cup wâter
·         6 cups chopped româine lettuce
·         15 ounce cân blâck beâns, rinsed ând drâined
·         15 ounce cân corn, drâined
·         1 cup cherry tomâtoes
·         1 cup grâted cheddâr ând/or jâck cheese
·         1 cup sâlsâ

1.        Heât â lârge skillet over medium heât. Âdd ground beef ând sprinkle with sâlt ând pepper. Cook, breâking up the meât, until beef is browned, âbout 5 minutes. Âdd the tâco seâsoning ând wâter ând reduce heât to â low simmer. Cook, stirring occâsionâlly, until liquid is mostly gone ând meât is cooked through, âbout 5 minutes. Set âside to cool.
2.       visit Prep Taco Salad Lunch Bowls   for full recipe

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