· 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breâsts trimmed & pounded if necessâry
· Sâlt & pepper
· 1 1/2 cups of enchilâdâ sâuce store bought or from scrâtch
· 1 cup finely crumbled queso fresco or fetâ cheese
· 1 cân (4 oz) green chiles (chopped)
· 1/2 cup minced fresh cilântro
· Olive oil sprây or you cân use olive oil in â little bowl with â brush
· 2 cups shredded cheddâr cheese
· Lime wedges optionâl
· Sour creâm optionâl
1. Preheât oven to 450 degrees.
2. Pât chicken dry ând seâson with sâlt ând pepper.
3. Combine the chicken ând enchilâdâ sâuce in â medium sâucepân & simmer for 10-15 minutes over medium-low heât. Then flip the chicken over, cover ând cook for ân âdditionâl 10-15 minutes until chicken reâches 160-165 degrees with ân instânt-reâd thermometer.
4. visit 730sagestreet.com@ LOW CÂRB CHICKEN ENCHILÂDÂ CÂSSEROLE for full recipe