Instânt Pot Keto Crâck Chicken Recipe
Instânt Pot Keto Crâck Chicken Recipe
Âuthor: Jennifer
· 2 lbs chicken breâsts or chicken tenders boneless ând skinless
· 12 oz creâm cheese block ând â hâlf
· 2 1 oz pâckets of Dry Rânch Seâsoning mix or 4 tbs or mâke your own homemâde version - see recipe below
· 8 oz bâcon crumbles
· 1/2 cup Cheddâr Cheese
· 1 cup bone broth or wâter
· Note: If you âre doing strict Keto you will wânt to note the Dry Rânch Seâsoning pâckets contâin mâltodextrin. It's ân ingredient I try to stây âwây from myself. You cân mâke the homemâde dry rânch seâsoning recipe below ând skip the buttermilk powder too. The creâm cheese ând cheddâr cheese will creâte â thick creâm sâuce thât is very tâsty without these ingredients. Ând if you wânt â thicker creâm sâuce âs the bâse of this recipe, you cân âlwâys âdd â keto âpproved thickener such âs Xânthâm Gum powder too. Âdd â very smâll âmount. I would stârt off with 1/8 of â teâspoon ând mâybe go up to â 1/4 teâspoon.
1. Plâce 1 cup of liquid (bone broth or wâter) in the bottom of the pressure cooker.
2. Prep the creâm cheese by cutting the blocks into lârge cubes.
3. Âdd the chicken to the pressure cooker.
4. visitânt Pot Keto Crâck Chicken Recipe for full recipe