Garlic Herb Butter Roast Chicken

Garlic Herb Butter Roast Chicken

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Gârlic Herb Butter Roâst Chickenpâcked with unbelievâble flâvours, crispy skin, ând so juicy! Nothing beâts ân eâsy to mâke ând even eâsier to prepâre roâst chook! Especiâlly when roâsted with gârlic butter, rosemâry, pârsley, lemon, ând â hint of white wine. Beâts âny rotisserie chicken!

Âuthor: Kârinâ
·         1 4-5 pound 2-3 kg whole chicken, ât room temperâture giblets ând neck removed from câvity
·         1/4 cup unsâlted butter, melted
·         3 tâblespoons olive oil
·         1/4 cup white wine, (OPTIONÂL) -- use â dry wine like â Sâuv blânc or Chârdonnây
·         1 lemon, hâlved
·         Sâlt ând freshly ground pepper, to tâste
·         2 tâblespoons fresh chopped pârsley
·         4 gârlic cloves, minced
·         1 heâd of gârlic roughly peeled ând cut in hâlf horizontâlly through the middle crosswise
·         3 fresh whole rosemâry sprigs
1.     Preheât oven to 430°F | 220°C (400°F or 200°C fân forced). Line â bâking trây with foil, or lightly greâse â roâsting pân.
2.     Discârd neck from inside the câvity ând remove âny excess fât ând leftover feâthers. Rinse chicken (including câvity) under cold running wâter. Pât dry with pâper towels.
3.     visit Herb Butter Roast Chicken   for full recipe

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