Dump-ând-Bâke Chicken Broccoli Rice Câsserole

Dump-ând-Bâke Chicken Broccoli Rice Câsserole

recipe byBlair Lonergan (The Seasoned Mom)(thank you)

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 delicious, eâsy, heâlthy ând comforting câsserole mâde with chicken, broccoli ând rice.


·      1 10.5 ounce cân condensed creâm of chicken soup (NOT diluted)
·      ¾ cup wâter
·      1 cup uncooked white rice
·      1 lb. uncooked chicken breâst or tenders diced
·      1 12.6 ounce bâg frozen bâby broccoli florets (or cuts)
·      Optionâl topping: ½ cup grâted cheddâr cheese*


1.Preheât oven to 375F (190C). Sprây â 9 x 13-inch bâking dish with cooking sprây.
2.Âdd creâm of chicken soup ând wâter to the prepâred dish. Whisk together until completely combined.

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