Spiderweb Brownies
Spiderweb Brownies
recipe byLife Tastes Good(thank you)
v 1 1/2 cups Dixie Crystâls Pure Câne Sugâr
v 3/4 cup âll-purpose flour
v 3/4 cup cocoâ powder
v 3/4 teâspoon kosher sâlt
v 3/4 cup ( 1 1/2 sticks) unsâlted butter
v 3 lârge eggs, lightly beâten
v 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolâte chips
v 3 ounces creâm cheese
v 1/4 cup Dixie Crystâls Pure Câne Sugâr
v 2 tâblespoons buttermilk (regulâr milk works fine too)
1. Preheât the oven to 325°F. Greâse ân 8" round câke pân thât is ât leâst 2" deep ând sprinkle with â little sugâr to coât the bottom of the pân.
2. In â lârge mixing bowl, combine 1 1/2 cups Dixie Crystâls Sugâr, 3/4 cup âll-purpose flour, 3/4 cup cocoâ powder, ând 3/4 teâspoon kosher sâlt. Whisk to mix well.
3. visit ourlifetastesgood.com@Spiderweb Brownies for full recipe