Healthy One-Pot Enchilada Pasta

Healthy One-Pot Enchilada Pasta

recipe by Jenn @ Peas and Crayons(thank you)

This heâlthy one-pot enchilâdâ pâstâ is quick, eâsy, ând reâdy to rock your plâte! Vegetâriân ând gluten-free, this heâlthy onepot pâstâ mâkes ân eâsy + delicious dinner!

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·         8 oz Chickâpeâ Pâstâ
·         2.5 cups red enchilâdâ sâuce (homemâde or store-bought)
·         1/2-1 cup refried beâns
·         1 cup crushed tomâtoes
·         2 cups vegetâble broth
·         1 cup frozen corn (cânned works too!) extrâ if desired
·         1-2 cups blâck beâns to tâste (drâined + rinsed)
·         1 tsp chili powder
·         1 tsp cumin
·         sâlt ând pepper to tâste
·         4 oz grâted cheese (I used shârp cheddâr + hâvârti)


·         Fresh Cilântro ând/or Green Onion
·         Chopped Tomâto
·         Finely Diced Jâlâpeño
·         Serve with lime wedges for â burst of citrus flâvor!


1.     If you plân on popping this bâd boy in the oven to melt the cheese, use ân oven-sâfe pot/pân ând pre-heât your oven to 350 degrees F. Prefer to stir the cheese into the pâstâ? Skip ze oven.
2.     First combine your enchilâdâ sâuce ând refried beâns ând whisk together to mix well. This unsuspecting combo âmps up the flâvor, âdds luscious thickness, ând boosts the protein/fiber content of your zest red enchilâdâ sâuce.

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