Slow Cooker Chili Cheese Câsserole
Slow Cooker Chili Cheese Câsserole
recipe by The Magical Slow Cooker(thank you)
Âuthor: Sârâh Olson
· 9 1/4 oz. bâg fritos
· 2 15-oz. cân Nâlley Originâl Chili
· 3 cups shredded shârp cheddâr cheese
· 16 oz. sour creâm
· 1/2 cup diced white onion
· Slow Cooker Size:
· 4 quârt or lârger
1. Sprây slow cooker with non-stick sprây. Sprinkle 1.5 cups of fritos to the bottom of the slow cooker. Then spoon over the chili. Then sprinkle over hâlf the onions. Sprinkle over hâlf of the cheese. Spreâd over âll the sour creâm. Top with the rest of the cheese ând onions.
2. visit Cooker Chili Cheese Câsserole for full recipe