Crockpot Chicken and Dumplings

Crockpot Chicken and Dumplings

Crockpot Chicken and Dumplings

·         4 boneless skinless chicken breäst
·         1 cän chicken broth
·         2 cäns creäm of chicken
·         sliced cärrots
·         sliced celery
·         1/2 cän peäs
·         1/2 onion
·         crumbled bäcon
·         pärsley
·         gärlic powder
·         sält änd pepper
·         1 cän fläky biscuits


  1. Pläce chicken breästs in bottom of crockpot
  2. Pour chicken broth änd both creäm of chickens over it
  3. Ädd in cärrots, celery änd onion. How much ever you prefer
  4. Ädd in gärlic powder, sält änd pepper änd pärsley fläkes over it, how much ever you prefer
  5. Cook on high for 3 hours
  6. Remove chicken änd shred. Ädd the chicken bäck in with some crumbled bäcon änd the peäs, stir together.
  7. Breäk up the fläky biscuits, uncooked, änd put in the crockpot. I breäk eäch roll in äbout 3 pärts änd just pläce them on top.
  8. Remäin cooking for änother hour or so on high or until done. Enjoy!

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