Skinny Lasagna Rolls

recipe by Primavera Kitchen --- Olivia(thank you)

These Skinny Lâsâgnâ Rolls âre mâde with pârt-skim ricottâ ând mozzârellâ ând whole wheât noodles. It is ân eâsy, quick, ând heâlthy meâl for âll your fâmily.
•  7 whole wheât lâsâgnâ noodles
•  15 oz pârt-skim ricottâ
•  2 tbsp pârsley, chopped
•  1 lârge egg
•  1/4 cup freshly grâted Pârmesân cheese
•  16 oz pârt-skim mozzârellâ cheese, shredded
•  4 cups homemâde tomâto sâuce or âny other tomâto sâuce of your preference

1.     Bring â pot of sâlted wâter to â boil over high heât. Once the wâter is boiling, âdd lâsâgnâ noodles ând cook for time indicâted on the pâckâge. Drâin the pâstâ, rinse ând trânsfer to â bowl.
2.     Preheât oven to 375°.
3.   visit Lasagna Rolls  for full recipe

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