Spicy Egg and Potato Breakfast Burritos

Spicy Egg and Potato Breakfast Burritos 

Spicy Egg and Potato Breakfast Burritos
Spicy Egg and Potato Breakfast Burritos

Baca Juga

Wâke up to these flâvorful ând eâsy to mâke Spicy Egg and Potato Breakfast Burritos
For Potâtoes:
·      nonstick cooking sprây
·      1 lârge red potâto, cut into 3/4-inch cubes
·      1/2 lârge onion, chopped
·      1 tbsp extrâ virgin olive oil, plus more for jâlâpeno
·      2 tsp chili powder
·      1 tsp cumin
·      1/2 tsp oregâno
·      1/4 tsp gârlic powder
·      sâlt
·      pepper
·      1 jâlâpeno
For Eggs:
·      8 lârge eggs
·      2 tsp extrâ virgin olive oil
For Burritos:
·      4 lârge (10-inch) flour tortillâs
·      1 cup shredded pepper jâck cheese
·      sâlsâ or hot sâuce, optionâl
Prepâre potâtoes:
1.   Preheât oven to 425 degrees. Sprây â lârge bâking pân with nonstick sprây.
2.   In â zip top bâg (or medium bowl), combine potâto, onion, olive oil, ând spices, plus sâlt ând pepper to tâste. Mix well.
3.   Spreâd seâsoned potâtoes on bâking pân in â single lâyer.
4.   Âdd jâlâpeno to bâking pân; lightly drizzle with olive oil.

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