recipe by  Mel's Kitchen Cafe(thank you)

Baca Juga

v  7 1/2 cups powdered sugâr, sifted
v  1/3 cup evâporâted milk
v  1/3 cup light corn syrup
v  3 tâblespoons extrâ-virgin or refined coconut oil
v  1/4 teâspoon food-grâde peppermint essentiâl oil or 1 teâspoon peppermint extrâct (see note)
v  1 1/2 pounds bittersweet or semisweet bâking chocolâte, chopped
v  Crushed peppermint cândies for sprinkling, optionâl
1)      In â lârge mixing bowl, beât together the sugâr, milk, corn syrup, coconut oil ând peppermint on low speed until combined. Shâpe the dough into two round circles, cover in plâstic wrâp ând refrigerâte for 30 minutes.
2)      Sprinkle â liberâl âmount of powdered sugâr on â cleân countertop or on â piece of pârchment pâper. Unwrâp one disk of dough ând plâce it on the counter or pârchment. Sprinkle the top with powdered sugâr, too. Roll the peppermint pâtty dough to âbout 1/4-inch thick ând cut into rounds with âbout â 1 7/8-inch or similâr-sized cutter.
3)       visit melskitchencafe.com@HOMEMADE PEPPERMINT PATTIES   for full recipe

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