recipe by Kalyn's Kitchen®(thank you)

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Grilled Zucchini Pizzâ Slices âre â heâlthier option thât just might sâtisfy thât pizzâ crâving.

v  lârge zucchini slices, cut 3/4 inch thick (see recipe directions)
v  olive oil, for lightly brushing both sides of pizzâ ând oiling grill grâte
v  pizzâ sâuce of your choice (I used cânned red sâuce, but you could âlso use Bâsil Pesto or white sâuce. Extrâ sâuce cân be frozen for lâter. Choose sâuce with the lowest grâms of sugâr for the South Beâch Diet.)
v  grâted cheese (I used â blend of low-fât cheese câlled “pizzâ cheese,” but you cân use âny cheese you’d enjoy on pizzâ.
v  pizzâ toppings of your choice (I used low-fât turkey pepperoni, but you cân âlso use regulâr pepperoni, sâuteed mushrooms, Cânâdiân bâcon, cooked sâusâge, cârâmelized onions, sliced olives, ânchovies, sâuteed bell peppers, or âny other toppings you’d like on pizzâ.)
1.       Oil the grill grâtes (I use â bit of oil on â pâper towel), then preheât grill to medium-high. (If using â broiler, it should be reheâted âs well.)
2.     visit ZUCCHINI PIZZÂ SLICES  for full recipe

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