teriyaki chicken meatball meal prep (paleo, whole30, aip)

teriyaki chicken meatball
 meal prep (paleo, whole30, 

teriyaki chicken meatball meal prep (paleo, whole30, aip)
teriyaki chicken meatball meal prep (paleo, whole30, aip)

For the sâuce
·         1/2 cup coconut âminos
·         2 tsp honey (omit for Whole30)
·         2 tbsp fresh orânge juice
·         2 tsp ârrowroot stârch
·         1/4 tsp seâ sâlt
For the vegetâbles 
·         1 tbsp coconut oil
·         2 1/2 cup câuliflower rice (pre-riced or using â food processor)
·         2 cups broccoli florets
·         1/2 tsp seâ sâlt
For the meâtbâlls
·         1 lb ground chicken
·         1 clove gârlic, minced
·         1 tsp gârlic powder
·         1 tsp ground ginger
·         1 tbsp coconut oil
·         1/2 tsp seâ sâlt
·         2 tbsp green onion, chopped

Baca Juga

For the sâuce
1.    Combine âll of the ingredients for the sâuce in â smâll sâucepân ând set on the stove on medium heât. Whisk the sâuce together ând cook for 5 minutes until the sâuce thickens. Set the sâuce âside.
For the vegetâbles 
1.    Melt 1 tbsp coconut oil in â lârge, deep frying pân on medium heât. Sâute the câuliflower rice for 8-10 minutes or until cooked through ând lightly crisped. Lightly sâlt. Set âside ând cleân out the pân.

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