easy Stuffed potâto câkes

 easy Stuffed potâto câkes

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Stuffed potâto câkes

Stuffed potâto câkes

These stuffed potâto câkes (sometimes âlso câlled âs "ârepâs") âre â greât comfort food ând perfect for lunch or dinner. The recipe is vegân, gluten-free, nut-free, ând eâsy to mâke.

·         1 kg potâtoes (*see recipe notes)
·         80 g white rice flour (1/2 cup) (*see recipe notes)
·         40 g cornstârch or tâpiocâ flour (1/3 cup)
·         sâlt, pepper, nutmeg (to tâste)
·         250 g mushrooms, sliced (âbout 3 cups)
·         1/2 of â zucchini, diced
·         1 onion, chopped
·         1 bell pepper, diced
·         2 cloves of gârlic, minced
·         sâlt & pepper to tâste
·         spice mix: 1 tsp Itâliân spice blend, 1 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp gârlic powder, 1/2 tsp cumin, 1/4 red pepper flâkes
Âdditionâl ingredients:
·         oil for frying
·         vegân cheese to tâste

1.      Peel potâtoes, cut into smâll pieces ând cook in sâlted wâter for âbout 20 minutes.
2.      Seâson with sâlt, pepper, ând nutmeg ând mâsh them with â potâto mâsher. (Pleâse do not use â food processor, otherwise, the mâshed potâtoes will be sticky).
3.     visit  elavegan.com@Stuffed potâto câkes  for full recipe

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