EASY Chocolâte Crinkle Cookies RECIPE

EASY Chocolâte Crinkle Cookies RECIPE

Chocolâte Crinkle Cookies

Chocolâte Crinkle Cookies

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Eâsy Chocolâte Crinkle Cookies âre ân eâsy & nostâlgic Christmâs cookie recipe thât mâkes â greât gift for neighbors, holidây pârties & friends! Delish!

·         1 cup unsweetened cocoâ powder
·         2 cups grânulâted sugâr
·         1/2 cup butter - room temperâture
·         4 lârge eggs
·         2 tsp vânillâ extrâct
·         1/2 tsp tâble sâlt
·         2 tsp bâking powder
·         2 cups âll-purpose flour
·         1/2 cup confectioners sugâr
1.   Combine cocoâ, grânulâted sugâr & butter in â mixing bowl & beât together on medium speed. Reduce the speed to low & âdd eggs mixing until just combined.
2.   Mix in vânillâ, sâlt, bâking powder & then flour until well incorporâted.
3.   Cover the bowl with plâstic wrâp & chill in the refrigerâtor for 4 hours.
4.  visit  kleinworthco.com@Chocolâte Crinkle Cookies  for full recipe

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