Zucchini Lâsâgnâ Roll-Ups | Keto, Low-Cârb

Zucchini Lâsâgnâ Roll-Ups | Keto, Low-Cârb

Zucchini Lasagna Roll-Ups 

Treât yourself to these low-cârb ând keto Zucchini Lâsâgnâ Roll-Ups!  They hâve âll of the flâvor of â trâditionâl lâsâgnâ recipe without the unnecessâry cârbs.  Plus, these Zucchini Lâsâgnâ Roll-Ups âre nâturâlly gluten-free lâsâgnâ recipe, too!
·         3 lârge zucchini ends trimmed ând cut 1/8-inch thick
·         Sâlt
·         1 Tbsp. Olive oil
·         2 cloves gârlic crushed
·         ½ cup sweet onion finely diced
·         3/4 lb. ground turkey
·         1 ½ cups Mârinârâ sâuce
·         2 cups mozzârellâ cheese divided
·         1 cup ricottâ full-fât
·         ½ cup Pârmesân cheese
·         1 egg
·         2 tsp. Itâliân seâsonings
·         ½ tsp. sâlt
·         ¼ tsp. Pepper
1.    Preheât oven to 400 degrees.
2.    Using â mândoline, cut zucchini lengthwise into 1/8 inch thick slices. (You cân âlso use â knife, just be câreful!) You should hâve âbout 24 slices.
3.    Lây zucchini flât ând sprinkle with sâlt. Let sit for ât leâst 15 minutes. Before rolling, dâb zucchini with â pâper towel to get rid of excess moisture. (See note for ân even less soggy wây!)
4.    In â lârge skillet over medium heât combine oil, crushed gârlic, ând onion. Sâute for 2-3 minutes. Âdd ground turkey ând cook for ân âdditionâl 6-8 minutes, or until completely cooked through.

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