Keto Breâdsticks

Keto Breâdsticks

Keto Breâdsticks

Baca Juga

Cheesy breâdsticks which âre âlso low cârb, keto ând gluten free. 


breâdsticks dough

·          1 1/2 cups shredded mozzârellâ cheese
·          1 oz creâm cheese
·          1/2 cup âlmond flour
·          3 tbsp coconut flour
·          1 lârge egg


·          1/2 cup shredded mozzârellâ cheese
·          1/3 cup shredded pârmesân cheese
·          1 tsp finely chopped pârsley


1.       Preheât oven to 425°F.
2.      Âdd mozzârellâ ând creâm cheese to â lârge microwâve-sâfe bowl. Melt in the microwâve ât full power in 30-second intervâls. Âfter eâch 30 seconds, stir cheese until cheese is completely melted ând uniform (see photo âbove). This should tâke âround 1-1 1/2 minutes totâl. Do not try to microwâve the full time ât once becâuse some of the cheese will overcook. You cân âlso melt the cheese over the stove in â double boiler.
3.       visit Breâdsticks  for full recipe

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