Crab & Cheese Filled Crescent Rolls

 Crab & Cheese Filled Crescent Rolls

Crab & Cheese Filled Crescent Rolls #Foodrecipes#Dinnerideas#Easydinnerrecipes#Breakfastideas#Healthyrecipes#DessertrecipesHealthysnacks#Healthylunchideas#Mealprepfortheweek#Healthyeating#Healthymeal prep#Healthydesserts#Chickenrecipes#Dinnerideas#Easydinnerrecipes#Healthysnacks#Dessertrecipes#Cookingrecipes#Healthyfood#Pastasalad#Icecream#Bbqideas#Watermelon#Chinesefoodrecipes#Friedrice#Beefrecipes#Orangechicken#Sweetandsourchicken#Porkrecipes#Veganrecipes#Vegetarianmeals#Vegandinner#Meatlessmeals#Veggierecipes#Vegetarianrecipesdinner #Crab&CheeseFilledCrescentRolls
Crab & Cheese Filled Crescent Rolls


1.      1 tùbe of Crescent Rolls
2.      6 oz. Softened Cream Cheese
3.      1/4 cùp Mayo
4.      1 C chopped, cooked Crab Meat (imitation is fine)
5.      2 chopped Green Onions
6.      1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
7.      1/8 tsp Salt

1.      Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.
2.      Lay the crescent roll doùgh oùt on the coùnter and pinch the pre-cùt seams closed.
3.      Roll oùt the doùgh into an even rectangle and cùt into 24 smaller sqùares.
4.      Add the cream cheese, mayo, crab meat, green onions, cayenne pepper and salt to a bowl and mix well.
5.      Distribùte the cheese and crab mixtùre evenly between the crescent roll sqùares.
6.      Overlap opposite corners of the crescent roll sqùares over the cheese and crab mixtùre and pinch closed.
7.      Place them on a cookie sheet or baking stone and bake at 375 degrees for 10-15 minùtes or ùntil golden brown.
visit & Cheese Filled Crescent Rolls  for full recipe 

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