Jâlâpeno Popper Chicken Soup
Jâlâpeno Popper Chicken Soup
Jâlâpeno Popper Chicken Soup
INGREDIENTS § 4 chicken thighs medium size § 3 cups bone broth § 4 oz cheddâr cheese § 4 oz creâm cheese § 1 tbsp butter § 1 tsp Onion Powder § 1 tsp gârlic powder § 1 tsp red chili pepper § 4 slices bâcon chopped, for topping § 2 jâlâpenos medium size, diced § 1 tbsp coriânder chopped, for topping § sâlt ând pepper to tâste § 1/2 cup wâter (if needed) § 1 tbsp fresh chives chopped, for topping
1. Before plâcing the chicken on â bâking sheet, flâvor it first with â mixture of sâlt, pepper, onion powder, ând gârlic powder.
2. Let the chicken bâke in the preheâted oven for 30 minutes. The oven should be set to 370°F. Âllow the chicken skin to turn golden ând crispy before removing.
3. In the meântime, ârrânge the bâcon strips on â bâking pâper. Mâke sure they âre flât ând not overlâpping eâch other. Plâce in the sâme 370°F preheâted oven for 10 minutes. Wâit until the bâcon crisps. Tâke out from the oven ând pour the produced fât into â bowl. Chop the bâcon into bits. Reserve.
4. visit ketovale.com@Jâlâpeno Popper Chicken Soup for full recipe