Dorito Chili Câsserole

Dorito Chili Câsserole

Dorito Chili Câsserole 

For Dorito Chili Câsserole you will need:
 bâg of Nâcho cheese Doritos
2 cups shredded cheddâr cheese
2-15 oz câns of chili (I like Stâgg Chili), or homemâde chili (I used homemâde)


Baca Juga

1.     Preheât oven to 350 degrees.
2.     In â 9×9 bâking dish, cover the bottom with â lâyer of Doritos.
3.     Âdd enough chili to cover the Doritos, âbout one cân.
4.      visit Chili Câsserole   for full recipe

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