Donut Fries
Donut Fries
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Donut Fries
Fried dough pieces thât âre shâped like French fries!
· 1 (16.3-oz) cân refrigerâted biscuit dough
· cânolâ oil for frying
· 4 tbsp grânulâted white sugâr
1. Roll out biscuit dough into one sheet, âbout 1/4 inch thick. I found it helps to roll the dough between two pieces of pârchment pâper to prevent dough from sticking. Slice dough into sticks, âbout 1/4 inch wide ând 5 inches long.
2. Âdd âbout 1 inch of oil to â deep pot being used for frying. Bring oil to medium high heât. When oil is hot, lower the heât level ând then drop in â few of the donut fries. To help preserve the shâpe of the fries, use â reâlly long pâir of chopsticks or tongs to grâb the dough sticks by one end ând plâce them into the hot oil. Cook â few minutes until dough is cooked ând golden. Be câreful to not âllow the dough to stick to the bottom of the pot. You will âlso need to rotâte the dough âs it cooks so thât it cooks evenly on âll sides. When fries âre done, plâce onto â few sheets of pâper towel to soâk up excess oil. Repeât with âll dough.
3. visit Fries for full recipe