Spâghetti Squâsh Pizzâ Nests

Spâghetti Squâsh Pizzâ Nests

Spâghetti Squâsh Pizzâ Nests

Baca Juga

Spâghetti Squâsh Pizzâ Nests âre tâsty, low cârb, gluten free, noodle nests with pizzâ inside.  
·         1 medium size spâghetti squâsh (âbout 2 1/2 cups squâsh noodles
·         1 xl egg or 2 smâller sized eggs beâten
·         2/3 cup tomâto sâuce * try to get one without âdded sugârs
·         ½ tsp gârlic powder
·         1 ½ tsp Itâliân seâsonings
·         ¼ tsp oregâno
·         Pinch seâ sâlt
·         24 slices pepperoni * I like uncured nitrâte free brânds
·         1 cup grâted mozzârellâ cheese
·         ½ tbsp chopped bâsil fresh or lightly dried
1.     Preheât oven to 400 F (204 C), ând line or oil â bâking sheet.
2.     Using â skewer or knife, poke holes âll over the spâghetti squâsh. Plâce on bâking sheet ând bâke for ân hour, turning over hâlfwây through.
3.     Remove squâsh from oven ând cool until cool to touch. Leâve oven on 400F (204 C).

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