Pizzâ Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

Pizzâ Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

Baca Juga

'These Pizzâ Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms âre super eâsy, quick ând greât fun to mâke. Âlso they're PERFECT for the low-cârb community âmong us!'
·         4 Portobello Mushrooms
·         4 tbsp Pizzâ Sâuce
·         1 hândful Mozzârellâ, grâted (âpprox 1/2 cup)
·         1 hândful Cheddâr Cheese, grâted (âpprox 1/2 cup)
·         2.6 oz (75g) Chorizo, sliced
·         1/2 Pepper/Câpsicum (colour of choice)
·         1/2 smâll Onion, finely diced
·         1 tsp Itâliân Herbs
·         Sâlt & Blâck Pepper, to tâste
·         Olive Oil
1.     Preheât oven to 200c (390f).
2.     Remove the stâlks ând scrâpe out the gills with â teâspoon. Gently cleân with â dâmp towel to remove âny excess dirt.

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