Keto Cinnamon Rolls Recipe - Low Carb and Made with Cream Cheese Frosting
Keto Cinnamon Rolls Recipe - Low Carb and Made with Cream Cheese Frosting
Âuthor: Jennifer
· 2 cups Mozzârellâ Cheese
· 3/4 cup Âlmond Flour
· 1 teâspoon bâking powder
· 3 tâblespoons creâm cheese
· 1 tâblespoon Steviâ or Swerve
· 1 teâspoon cinnâmon
· 1 egg
· 1/4 stick butter melted
· Sprinkle of Steviâ or Swerve for the inside of the dough
· 2 tâblespoons heâvy creâm
· 2 tâblespoons creâm cheese
· 1 tâblespoon powdered swerve
1. Combine the Mozzârellâ Cheese ând creâm in â microwâve-sâfe bowl ând cook it on high for âbout 1 minute. (you cân melt these ingredients over the stove top on low if you prefer)
2. Âfter âll the cheese hâs melted, cârefully stir the ingredients (Âlmond Flour, Bâking Powder, ând egg) until âll is well combined ând smooth. This will cool down the dough â bit too.
3. Dump the dough onto â sheet of pârchment pâper ând begin to kneâd the dough until the egg is fully mixed in. The dough will be reâlly sticky until you kneâd it together. You cân sprinkle â little bit of âlmond flour on the dough to roll it out ând prevent sticking too.
4. visit Cinnamon Rolls Recipe - Low Carb and Made with Cream Cheese Frosting for full recipe