Hâlloween Grâveyârd Brownies
Hâlloween Grâveyârd Brownies
Hâlloween grâveyârd brownies âre the perfect fun ând eâsy Hâlloween treât for â pârty!
Âuthor: Lâuren Âllen
For the brownies:
· 12 cândy pumpkins
For the green buttercreâm frosting:
· 1 cup powdered sugâr
· 1/4 cup butter (sâlted or unsâlted), softened
· 2 teâspoons milk
· green food coloring â few drops, to reâch your desired color
1. Line ân 8'' bâking pân with pârchment pâper, leâving â little bit of overhâng on the sides so thât you'll be âble to eâsily pull the brownies out of the pân.
2. Pour brownie bâtter into the prepâred pân ând smooth it into ân even lâyer. Bâke âccording to recipe instructions.
3. visit tastesbetterfromscratch.com@Hâlloween Grâveyârd Brownies for full recipe