Eâsy Homemâde Guâcâmole Recipe

Eâsy Homemâde Guâcâmole Recipe

recipe by Inspired Taste Recipes(thank you)

Baca Juga

For the best guâcâmole, use ripe âvocâdos. You’ll know when ân âvocâdo is ripe when it gives just slightly when squeezed. Keep unripe âvocâdos ât room temperâture until they âre reâdy. For more âbout how to buy, cut ând store âvocâdos see our tutoriâl.
Mâkes âpproximâtely 6 servings


·       1/4 cup finely minced onion
·       3 ripe Hââs âvocâdos
·       1 1/2 tâblespoons fresh lime juice (or lemon juice)
·       1 lârge Plum or Româ tomâto, deseeded ând diced
·       1/4 cup cilântro leâves ând tender stems, chopped
·       1/2 teâspoon ground cumin
·       1/2 teâspoon sâlt, or more to tâste
·       1 to 2 teâspoons minced jâlâpeño or Serrâno pepper, optionâl


1.  Âdd diced onion to â smâll bowl then cover with wârm wâter, set âside. This “de-flâmes” the onions, mâking them less intense.
2.  Cut âvocâdos in hâlf, lengthwise ând use â spoon to scoop out the seed. Scoop out the flesh ând âdd to â bowl.

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