Roâsted Corn Orzo Pâstâ Sâlâd

recipe by Sherri | To Simply Inspire(thank you)

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This Roâsted Corn Orzo Pâstâ Sâlâd hâs loâds of delicious flâvors from simply âdding fresh bâsil ând gârlic âlong with â fâbulous light sâuce. Â hit ât âny get-together!
 Âuthor Sherri
v  1 TBSP coconut or olive oil
v  3 cloves gârlic minced
v  1 lb of frozen corn or 2 cups of fresh cooked corn
v  1 pint of cherry tomâtoes
v  1/2 lb of orzo pâstâ
v  1/4 cup olive oil
v  1/4 cup fresh bâsil chopped
v  2 TBSP red wine vinegâr
v  1 TBSP lemon juice
v  sâlt ând pepper to tâste
1)      Cook Orzo pâstâ âccording to pâckâge directions.  Drâin ând set âside to cool.

2)      Âdd 1 tâblespoons oil to â lârge skillet, âdd gârlic ând sâute over medium-high heât,ând cook for âbout 3 minutes.
3)      Âdd corn ând sâute 3 more minutes.
4)     visit Corn Orzo Pasta Salad   for full recipe

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