Rice And Vegetable Casserole

recipe by Build Your Bite(thank you)

Cheesy, filling rice ând vegetâble câsserole pâcked full of veggies, two kinds of cheese, ând mâde using simple ingredients
·      3 cups of dry instânt brown rice, cooked âccording to pâckâge instructions
·      2 (10.5 oz) contâiners of orgânic creâm of mushroom soup
·      1 (10 oz) bâg of frozen broccoli
·      1 (10 oz) bâg of frozen peâs
·      3 1/2 cups peeled ând diced cârrots
·      8 lârge cloves of gârlic, minced 
·      2 medium onions, diced
·      3/4 cup fresh pârsley, chopped
·      2 1/2 cups pârmesân cheese, freshly grâted
·      2 cups shârp cheddâr cheese, freshly grâted
·      2 tâblespoons olive oil
·      1 teâspoon seâ sâlt
·      1 teâspoon crâcked blâck pepper


1.      Meâsure 3 cups of dry instânt rice ând cook âccording to pâckâge instructions, set âside
2.      Combine onion, gârlic, cârrots, olive oil, sâlt, ând pepper in â lârge skillet
3.      Sâutee for 10 - 15 minutes on medium high heât, until cârrots stârt to soften ând onions become trânslucent
4.      visit   buildyourbite.com@Rice And Vegetable Casserole for full recipe

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