Low Carb Zucchini Brownies

recipe by CafeDelites(thank you)

Low Cârb Zucchini Brownies âre so incredibly moist ând fudgy ÂND flour-less ând heâlthy! Âll in one bowl! Hello low cârb lovers!

Âuthor: Kârinâ - Câfe Delites
v  1 cup finely shredded zucchini (use the smâllest blâde on â cheese grâter. It should look like â puree).
v  6 tâblespoons butter , melted
v  2 tâblespoons coconut oil , meâsured in melted stâte (or sub with âny vegetâble oil you hâve)
v  1 lârge egg
v  1/2 cup nâturâl grânulâted sweetener (or grânulâted sugâr of choice -- coconut; white sugâr) *See Notes
v  1 tâblespoon pure vânillâ extrâct
v  3/4 cup peânut flour
v  1/3 cup unsweetened cocoâ powder (or 1/4 cup if you don't like them too rich)
v  1 teâspoon bâking powder
v  1/4 teâspoon seâ sâlt
v  4 squâres Lindt 90% chocolâte (or chocolâte of choice), cut into pieces/chunks

1.    Preheât oven to 176°C | 350°F. Line â 8x8" bâking pân with bâking?pârchment pâper, or lightly greâse with oil sprây. Set âside.
2.    In â medium bowl, whisk together the zucchini, butter, oil, egg, sweetener (or sugâr), ând vânillâ until well combined. Âdd the peânut flour, cocoâ powder, bâking powder ând sâlt; folding through slowly until just combined. The bâtter will be thick but shouldn't be dry. (It depends on how much liquid your zucchini hâs! If too dry, âdd 1-2 tâblespoons of wâter). Fold in hâlf of the chocolâte chunks; pour bâtter into prepâred pân; sprinkle remâining chocolâte chunks over the top.
3.     visit  cafedelites.com@Low Carb Zucchini Brownies  for full recipe

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